This section explains each command included in the console of the framework.

Commands are used by typing fab [command here] (e.g. fab launch:hello-flood) or in the framework's console (e.g. launch hello-flood).


  • config[contiki_folder, experiments_folder]

This will create a configuration file with the given parameters at ~/.rpl-attacks.conf.

contiki_folder: path to Contiki installation [default: ~/contiki]

experiments_folder: path to your experiments [default: Experiments]

  • listtype-of-item

This will list all existing items of the specified type from the experiment folder.

type-of-item: experiments or campaigns

  • setup

This will setup Contiki, Cooja and upgrade msp430-gcc for RPL Attacks.

  • status

This will show the status of current multi-processed tasks.

  • test

This will test the framework.

  • update

This will attempt to update Git repositories of Contiki-OS and RPL Attacks Framework.

  • versions

This will display the versions of Contiki-OS and RPL Attacks Framework.


  • cleanname

This will clean the simulation directory named 'name'.

  • coojaname[, with-malicious-mote]

This will open Cooja and load simulation named 'name' in its version with or without the malicious mote.

with-malicious-mote: flag for starting the simulation with/without the malicious mote [default: false]

  • makename[, n, ...]

This will create a simulation named 'name' with specified parameters and also build all firmwares from root.c, sensor.c and malicious.c templates with the specified target mote type. This can alternatively make the malicious mote with an external library by providing its path.

n: number of sensors (excluding the root and malicious motes)

duration: simulation duration in seconds

title: simulation title

goal: simulation goal (displayed in the Notes pane)

notes: simulation notes (appended behind the goal in the Notes pane)

min_range: malicious mote's maximum range from the root

tx_range: transmission range

int_range: interference range

area_side: side of the square area of the WSN

mtype_root: root mote type

mtype_sensor: sensor mote type

mtype_malicious: malicious mote type

malicious_target: external RPL library for building the malicious mote

blocks: building blocks for building the malicious mote, as defined in ./templates/building-blocks.json

ext_lib: external RPL library for building the malicious mote

wsn_gen_algo: WSN topology generation algorithm

  • reportname[, theme]

This will make a PDF report from the template contained in an experiment.

theme: CSS file for generating the PDF report (with Weasyprint) ; this can be an absolute path or one of the CSS files available in the templates folder in the report subfolder.

  • runname

This will execute the given simulation, parse log files, generate the results and finally generate a PDF report based on the default CSS theme (GitHub).


  • demo

This will process (copy, make_all then run_all) the campaign file named 'rpl-attacks.json' contained in the 'examples' folder of the framework.

  • dropsimulation-campaign-json-file

This will remove the campaign file named 'simulation-campaign-json-file'.

  • make_allsimulation-campaign-json-file

This will generate a campaign of simulations from a JSON file.

  • preparesimulation-campaign-json-file

This will generate a campaign JSON file from the template located at ./templates/experiments.json.

  • remake_allsimulation-campaign-json-file

This will re-generate malicious motes for a campaign of simulations from the selected malicious mote template (which can then be modified to refine only the malicious mote without re-generating the entire campaign).

  • run_allsimulation-campaign-json-file

This will run the entire simulation campaign.


  • buildname

This will the malicious mote from the simulation directory named 'name' and upload it to the target hardware.